Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Be Nice to Me. I Gave Blood Today. blood is an excellent thing.  I feel like it is my civic duty, as a healthy and able-bodied person to donate blood while I can.  There is a critical shortage right now so it is especially important.  I give every 2 months, unless I have a race coming up within a couple weeks time.  Today at work we had a blood drive, and as usual I donated.

Tonight when I got home from work and church it was gorgeous outside.  It was about 88 degrees with a nice breeze.  Amazing considering the last two days topped out at 105 degrees.  So although I generally swear off running/exercising the day that I give blood, tonight I couldn't resist heading out for a short run.

Ummmmm....1.1 miles in 13:59.  In 13:59 I took no fewer than 3 walk breaks.  My chest hurt, my arm hurt, and my pride hurt.  There's a reason the Red Cross tells you not to do any strenuous exercise the day that you give blood.  Trust me.

1 comment:

  1. well, hats off to you for giving blood. Whew, I guess they know what they're talking about huh? Sadly, I've never given blood but I've heard it wears you out. Gosh, I guess I need to give're making me feel guilty :(

    HEre's hoping tomorrow is a better run!
