Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bye Bye Vices

I’ve been in absentia from the blog.  I haven’t had much to say this month I guess.  My life has been work, Christmas shopping, kiddos, and running.  Then I sleep and do it all again.  What’s to say about that??

The training is going well, and even with my Cold From Hades I still feel like I’m on track to begin my half marathon training in January.  Yay!  It’s been really cold and snowy around here (the cold I can live with but snowy = falling = embarrassing) so I’ve been hitting the treadmill more than I’d like.  But I’ve managed to get in all my training runs AND still do all my long runs outside – wee ha!

I’ve hit the point in my training where I’m ready to get rid of some “bad” stuff.  I always give up alcohol when I’m 2-3 months out from a race.  That's not really much of a sacrifice, since I drink about 2 glasses of wine a year, but still I give it up!  I try to limit the soda and sweets too.  I just think my body performs better when I don’t put quite as much junk into it.  That’s not to say that all junk gets the axe.  I still have cookies and ice cream, french fries, and I usually swap out some of the soda for sweet tea.  This year I’ve decided to try nixing the sweet tea too, really it’s just pure sugar, and I actually like unsweetened tea too so why not nix the sweet tea and see how my performance fares?  I’m sure I could be a superstar if I had a really wholesome training diet of lean protein, fruits, and veggies and kissed all the fun (read: sugary) stuff goodbye, but I’m simply not at a point where I want to go that wild and crazy!

Tonight we’re expecting half a foot of snow, so I’m in for 30 minutes on the treadmill.  The TM really hurts my hips and knees so I tend to run slooooooooooow on it.  I’m looking for about 2.6 miles in 30 minutes.  It looks a little sadder in black and white.

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