Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Meh, Part 2

Well, my little bit o' positivity from Saturday has come to its merry end.  My left knee is still experiencing tremendous pain.  The longer I'm on it, the worse it hurts.  Yesterday I finally broke down and went to the doctor, where I had x-rays.  I didn't catch everything but some words that stick out are:

"fluid in the joint"


"possibly 3 weeks off or longer"

a.k.a. devastation.

To be fair, I haven't gotten the x-ray results back yet.  But I'm definitely still in pain, I definitely haven't run in 10 days, and I definitely won't be back out there in the foreseeable future.

I miss running!  I miss the endorphins.  The sense of accomplishment.  The weight control even.  I think I've put on 10 pounds in 10 days.  Too much laying around I guess.

Okay, who am I kidding?  Too much of this really:

Keeping my fingers crossed that my x-rays are clean and my pain goes away.  If you have time, send some positivety my way please!  And some Reese's... 


  1. Positivity sent your way!
    Can you do other things? Like a spin class or elliptical? Not as cool as running, but you can work off some of those Cadburys. Also, good time for upper body workouts!

  2. Sending good vibes your way! And sorry - i ate all the Cadburry eggs i was going to send. ;)

  3. Doctors suck!! I'm sending all the positive vibes I can in your direction!!
